Our Story

At Inno-Aut, our journey began with a personal experience that ignited a passion for innovation and empathy. Founded by individuals deeply connected to the neurodivergent community, Inno-Aut emerged from a desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing autism and mental health challenges.

Our co-founders, driven by their own family experiences, recognized the gaps in existing support systems and the need for a more inclusive and empowering solution. Drawing upon their backgrounds in technology and a shared commitment to social impact, they set out to create something truly transformative.

Our Mission

Inno-Aut, a public benefit company, uses advanced technology to support people with neurological disabilities. Founded from personal experiences with autism, our mission is to fill the gaps in support systems for individuals facing autism and mental health challenges.

Our Values

Inno-Aut stands on core values of empathy, innovation, inclusivity, and empowerment. Our solutions are designed to be accessible, equitable, and inclusive, making a profound impact on the lives of individuals and families. Join us in creating a world where neurodivergent individuals are celebrated, supported, and empowered to thrive.

Impact on Education

By integrating Aida into institutions, we believe we can improve graduation rates and overall success for students with autism. Continuous support from Aida addresses individual needs and fosters greater independence and productivity.

Revolutionizing Support

We aim to revolutionize support for neurodivergent individuals and their caregivers. Our flagship AI-driven app, Aida, offers personalized recommendations and 24/7 support, significantly enhancing communication, independence, and personal growth.